Dental Bridge Tuckahoe, NY

Missing a tooth or teeth can make life hard – smiling is embarrassing, eating is difficult and even speaking can be altered because of the gap. Even worse, missing a tooth or teeth can affect your overall health! That’s why, if you are looking for a stable, permanent solution to missing teeth but are not a candidate for an implant, we recommend the benefits of fixed dental bridges.

An experienced dentist in Tuckahoe, Dr. Gorksy offers treatment options for missing teeth and will create a personalized treatment plan to meet your needs. Restoring the function of your smile is important for both oral and overall health and wellness. Missing teeth will start a domino effect of changes in your smile, often affecting your ability to eat and speak with comfort and confidence. 

Dental Bridge in Tuckahoe, NY

How Can a Missing Tooth Affect My Health?

Missing a tooth or teeth can affect you in many ways. Because it can make eating difficult and uncomfortable, missing teeth can lead to digestive issues and possibly malnutrition. Missing teeth can also cause the surrounding teeth to shift and move out of balance, leading to the chronic pain of TMJ disorder. A lack of tooth structure to support the bone can even lead to loss of bone and other teeth.

What Exactly is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a porcelain tooth or teeth permanently placed between two of your healthy teeth. The bridge is held in place by porcelain crowns bonded to the teeth on each side of the space to be filled. It actually does create a literal bridge over the gap. And because each tooth is custom made to fit you, it looks as if it has always been right there, enhancing your smile!

Types Of Dental Bridges

There are four main types of dental bridges: 

Traditional Dental Bridges

This is the most common type of dental bridge. The existing teeth are crowned with one or more pontics between and held in place by the crowned abutments. The crowns are cemented onto the teeth adjacent to the missing teeth to create a support structure or “bridge” for the missing teeth.

Cantilever Bridge

This type of bridge is similar to a traditional bridge, except that the structure is supported on only one side instead of both sides. This can cause the restoration to act as a “lever” and may create additional stress on the supporting tooth, causing it to be more likely to loosen or fracture.

Implant-Supported Bridge

Instead of using existing teeth to support a bridge, a dental implant may be substituted to provide support for one or both sides of a dental bridge. This is a popular option that can provide a very secure restoration. This solution is particularly helpful when there are several adjacent missing teeth.

Maryland Bridge

This type of bridge is supported by a metal structure which is cemented onto the back of existing teeth. While not as strong as a traditional bridge, it can preserve the tooth structure of the adjacent teeth by avoiding the use of crowns for the abutments. It may not stay in place when heavy forces are placed on the restoration (such as biting and chewing) and does add pressure to the supporting teeth.

Contact our office to learn more about your restorative options and achieve the smile you have always wanted.

The Dental Bridge Process

Dr. Gorsky will provide a timeline and information regarding the steps in your treatment process. Following your dental bridge procedure, we will provide the information you need to care for your new restoration. 

Following Tooth Preparation:

  • Sensitivity and tenderness of the tooth and surrounding gums are common for the first day or two after a tooth has been prepared for restoration. If the tenderness or sensitivity lasts longer than this, please contact our office.
  • If anesthesia is used, avoid chewing, biting, and eating until the numbness wears off.
  • The final restoration may be performed on the same day that the tooth is prepared or may be performed during a separate appointment.

For Temporary Restorations:

  • Eat softer foods, and avoid foods that are particularly crunchy, chewy, or hard.
  • Carefully clean around the restoration, brushing and flossing daily. Be gentle when flossing, taking extra care not to loosen the temporary restoration. Slowly pulling the floss out by one end can help avoid putting too much pressure on the temporary.
  • If the temporary restoration becomes loose or breaks, please call us immediately.

After Final Restoration Placement:

  • Avoid chewing on hard, crunchy, or sticky foods for 24 hours in order to give time for the cement to fully bond.
  • Mild sensitivity to hot or cold foods is not unusual and should dissipate after a few weeks. If sensitivity lasts more than six weeks, please let the office know.

Ongoing Care:

  • Proper care of your restoration includes brushing your teeth after every meal and snack, and flossing at least once a day before bedtime.
  • Routine dental care: regular visits with Dr. Gorsky will allow us to monitor the condition of your restoration and help you avoid any problems down the road.
  • Rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash will also help to remove any additional particles that may have been missed during brushing and flossing.